Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Made New Friends

It has been another beautiful day in paradise. I hate to even think about leaving!

I had taken a Benadryl before I went to bed Monday night, because the post-nasal drip caused me to cough all night the night before. It sure helped me sleep well, but I didn't wake up until 7:30 a.m. Alberto came an hour early this morning (I was barely out of bed). 

Last week he trimmed all the hedges on both sides of the back yard, and today he trimmed the back hedges. Here he is below standing on the wall between this house and the house behind. He works hard and does a very good job. Anna came today too and the house is nice and clean. Since I was making lunch, I made lunch for Anna too. Alberto had already left. Anna especially enjoyed the ice cream for dessert.

Lauri called this afternoon and invited me over for dinner so I could meet two of her favorite friends. I had already showered and my hair was dry, but I needed to curl my hair. So, I spent 15-20 minutes working on my hair, grabbed my hairspray, shut my eyes and sprayed away. When I opened my eyes, I had snow banks all over my head!! I stood there staring at myself in the mirror, because I couldn't believe what I saw! I had accidentally grabbed the mousse instead of the hairspray! Oh, no! Lauri was going  to be here shortly and I now had gobs of mousse on my head. I didn't have time to shower again and re-wash my hair.

I wiped off what I could and grabbed the hairdryer to dry the rest. After it was dry, I combed it out the best I could and then sprayed again. I made sure to grab the "correct" red can. This was one time when "helmet head" really applied. I didn't have to worry about my hair getting out of place. Lauri came shortly after and we went to her house where she is house sitting.

This is Maria and Frank Jordan, Lauri's friends. They were so much fun. These are the kind of people I like to hang out with. I sure hope I get to see them again before I leave. I so enjoyed the evening. Lauri made chicken and vegetable stir fry with a big salad and hot bread. Maria and Frank brought wine and a dessert. Lauri also had wine, so we definitely didn't run out!

We ate on the patio overlooking the lake. I love these beautiful plates. Do you suppose I could get a set of plates in my suitcase? I was already 10# over the limit coming down. I think I will pass on the plates. (Just kidding, anyway!)

Lauri has two golden retrievers. The girls (Sky on the left and Luna on the right) were very polite and sat quietly beside the table while we ate.

After dinner, they all indulged me by letting me watch the Dancing With The Stars elimination. (Actually, I think they enjoyed it too.) Here Maria and Lauri are in front of the TV while Frank was making his spectacular dessert in the kitchen. Aren't they pretty?

Frank made this incredible dessert, which is a Mexican recipe. It was made with pineapple, coconut, lemon/lime zest and I don't know what other ingredients. After it was baked, he poured tequila over it and lit it (flambe). It was served with ice cream. Oh, my goodness! My tummy was so happy! (I love men who can cook!)

After dinner, dessert (and Dancing With The Stars), we retired to the patio for more good conversation and wine. Luna, who is almost 2 years old, thinks she is a lap dog and wants to be with Lauri (or on her lap) all the time. They are very sweet dogs. What a wonderful day! Maria and Frank were very gracious and gave me a ride home. 

I was met on the patio by the orange tabby cat that I shared my fillet mignon with a couple days ago. He came in and visited for awhile. He didn't want to leave and I had to coax him out the door. I will probably see him again tomorrow. He has figured out that he gets food or petting from me.

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