Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rich and Sue's Last Day

It seems like Rich and Sue just got here and today will be their last day here in Ajijic. They moved over to the La  Nueva Posada hotel and have a "beautiful" room on the 3rd floor overlooking Lake Chapala and the gardens below.

This picture was taken from their room at sunset, just before we went out for dinner. Because it is so dark, you really can' see the lake, but during the day, it is visible.

Ajijic Tango is rated the best restaurant in the area, so we decided to go there for our last dinner. We were celebrating our birthdays (we are all the same age and turn a certain milestone this year). It is also Rich and Sue's anniversary tomorrow.

Ajijic Tango is noted for Angus beef, grilled with natural firewood. Believe it or not, this is a fillet mignon. Look at the size of it! I had a Greek salad before this came. I only ate about 2 slices off the end and had to take the rest of it home with me.It was "outstanding." The portions down here are huge. 

1 comment:

  1. I have mail for a Ginger L Thacker that used to live on Sta Cristina #133. Are you the person.
    The email address on site is not valid so I will try this way.
