Monday, March 23, 2009

Mexico, Here I Come!

This morning I got up early, took a shower and packed my bag. I called a cab and got to the Minneapolis airport early. My first destination was Houston, where I changed planes and got on a small plane to Guadalajara. There were 2 seats on one side and only 1 seat on the other. The whole trip was uneventful, so that is a good thing.

When I got to Guadalajara, I went through customs, got my passport stamped and picked up my large, over-weight bag (it cost me $50 for my bag because it weighed 60#). To determine if your bag will be searched or not, you push a red button. If the light turns green, you are good to go. If the light turns red, you have to have your bag searched.

Fortunately, I got the green light. I was sweating it a little as I remembered that I was carrying 10 packets of silver for Lauri. I forgot about that until I got to Guadalajara.

My girlfriend, Lauri, picked me up at the airport. It was so great to see her. It was just like yesterday and we haven't seen each other in probably 4-5 years. I originally met Lauri sailing out of Sausalito in the San Francisco area. We got to be good friends and found out that we both worked for Wells Fargo Bank. Not only did we work for WFB, but we worked in the same building, on the same floor only about 20 yards from one another. We used the same elevators and the same bathroom and never ran into each other before sailing together. That obviously changed after we found that out.

Lauri moved to Mexico about 10 years ago and we have always kept in touch. I adopted her 2 Himalayan cats when she left. I left Shiraz in Richmond, CA with another girlfriend, Enid. I still have Bucca, who is going to be very mad at me by the time I get home.

Lauri is also house sitting for friends of hers for the 6 weeks they will be gone. So, I will be stayig with her at that house until Thursday, when I move over to the house where I will be house sitting.

We stopped and picked up a couple beers and then went back to Lauri's house. She made us dinner, we drank beer and caught up on our lives.

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