Sunday, March 29, 2009

Yea! Rich and Sue Are Here!

Lauri and I were going to pick up my friends, Rich and Sue Waller, at the Guadalajara airport last night at 10:30 p.m. Rich and Sue were coming down to visit me! What a great gift!

Anyway, Lauri called me about 7:30 p.m. and said she was really sick and asked if I could get them on my own. Now, the airport is just South of Guadalajara, which is about a 40 minute drive from here! I've been to the airport once, when she picked me up and have been on the highway to the airport just once, when she brought me to Lake Chapala and now I have to drive this in the dark!!! Sure, I can do it! What's the worst that can happen? I would end up somewhere else! 

Anyway, I left early to give myself plenty of time to make wrong turns. I got there with no problems and only had to make one lap around the airport to figure out where to park.

When they came through customs, Sue came running to meet me. I was so excited to see them. (Rich is the cool dude in the background taking his time!) After I snapped this picture, I was told by security that I couldn't take pictures in the terminal....oops! Oh, well. Too late!

Fortunately, Lauri and I had been to their B&B, so I had their key to their room and knew where to take them. It was about midnight when I dropped them off. I'm so glad they are here!

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