Thursday, March 26, 2009

Move In Day!

The Canadian couple who are renting the house where I will be house sitting left for Vancouver this morning. Lauri dropped me off at the house a little after noon. She left, as she had appointments.

My first priority was to set up my computer. I am totally lost without the internet. I got my computer out and plugged everything in to find that the power cord for the modem was missing! OH, NO!!!! Linda must have taken it with her. The modem was there but no power cord. How do I function without the internet? I went into panic mode! I couldn't even unpack because I was so upset!

Well, I packed up my computer again and waited for Lauri to pick me up. She was teaching a jewelry making class tonight and I was going to attend.

We made silver pendants. I really like the one I made. I had brought the silver with me from the States. Lauri had purchased it and had it shipped to me before I left. She has to fire the pendants in a kiln and tumble them to polish them before we can pick them up. I will post a picture when I get it back.

After class, I set up my computer and notified the necessary people about my lack of internet. Lauri is going to help me try to resolve this "little" problem tomorrow.

I've uploaded a few pictures of the exterior of the house where I am house sitting. I will upload interior pictures soon. The washing machines in Mexico are often outside. In this house, it is under the steps that lead to the roof. The clothes line is on the roof.

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